Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Manuscript is Done!

The manuscript is done well, more like a ruff draft on the topic of networking is done. Until now I did not really ever consider myself a writer of anything. Although, I have written programs, policies, procedures, marketing plans, newsletters and brochures. I have written seminars, power point presentations and even co-authored an organizational fundraiser cook book,In my mind none of this really qualifies me as an author. Funny how our thoughts shape our realities. In my mind writing a book was something quite different, but maybe not.

My friend Karen, who is an accomplish author shared some of her words of wisdom on the topic "If you knew how much work it would be to write a book you would not do it." She might be onto something.

The experience of writing a book for me has become something similar to a difficult pregnancy. Long, laborous, painful and in the end something short of a beautiful miracle. I have more insight, see more and share more of my experinces with others. Even if the book never becomes published, I have met wonderful people, shared experiences and become a better person along this journey.

I look forward to sharing with you my networking experiences and I hope you share your's with me!

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