Sunday, March 14, 2010

Expo Exhibitors...Missed Opportunity

Well, it is the morning after the 2010 Expo for Women. 125 exhbitors, 4688 people later the expo hall is empty, the booth space is just space, participants back to their sunday routine, exhibitors driving back to their homes and organizing for the coming week. If you were with us in person or virtually, thank you for participating in this wonderful event.

Reminising about the conversations with exhibitors I find it interesting the exhibitors do not see each other as potential networking partners and customers. At the Expo for Women there were 125 booth spaces with one, two, three or 4 staffing the booth. With 3, that's 375 potential customers, cliets and networking partners in the room before the door opens to the public.

Missed opportunity? Start now. Begin the conversation... connect.... add value .... help each other develop a successful business ... the opportunities are endless.

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