Sunday, March 21, 2010

Why a networking blog?

Why do I write about networking? I love networking, connecting and developing relationships.Why? Because it's a great feeling being of service to others, helping them along their way. As I look around I see in my life people who are fun, interesting and share the same goals and aspirations. 

It's my hope as I travel along my networking journey what I learn about networking will help you too! In sharing my own personal networking journey with my friends, colleagues, and professional contacts it is my hope we will all learn how to help each other to grow a successful business and personal life together.

Remembering what Zig Ziglar (author and motivational speaker) has shared for decades
"When you help other people get what they want you get what you want too!"

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Expo Exhibitors...Missed Opportunity

Well, it is the morning after the 2010 Expo for Women. 125 exhbitors, 4688 people later the expo hall is empty, the booth space is just space, participants back to their sunday routine, exhibitors driving back to their homes and organizing for the coming week. If you were with us in person or virtually, thank you for participating in this wonderful event.

Reminising about the conversations with exhibitors I find it interesting the exhibitors do not see each other as potential networking partners and customers. At the Expo for Women there were 125 booth spaces with one, two, three or 4 staffing the booth. With 3, that's 375 potential customers, cliets and networking partners in the room before the door opens to the public.

Missed opportunity? Start now. Begin the conversation... connect.... add value .... help each other develop a successful business ... the opportunities are endless.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Here's to Serendipity

There is something to be said for being at the right place at the right time.

I traveled to Indianpolis last week for a series of wellness presentations. Some I presented others I attended. At a networking luncheon/ Prevention Plus+ wellness seminar I met an independent insurance agent. During our conversation I asked it she could help me with event insurance as I am coordinating, promoting the Expo for Women this weekend which requires liability insurance.

The short of the long story is I did purchase event insurance from this meeting! If you spend any time networking to increase your business this almost never happens. Usually business happens over time. Really, when you think about it when networking you are positioning yourself to be in the right place at the right time.

Here's to serendipity!

The Manuscript is Done!

The manuscript is done well, more like a ruff draft on the topic of networking is done. Until now I did not really ever consider myself a writer of anything. Although, I have written programs, policies, procedures, marketing plans, newsletters and brochures. I have written seminars, power point presentations and even co-authored an organizational fundraiser cook book,In my mind none of this really qualifies me as an author. Funny how our thoughts shape our realities. In my mind writing a book was something quite different, but maybe not.

My friend Karen, who is an accomplish author shared some of her words of wisdom on the topic "If you knew how much work it would be to write a book you would not do it." She might be onto something.

The experience of writing a book for me has become something similar to a difficult pregnancy. Long, laborous, painful and in the end something short of a beautiful miracle. I have more insight, see more and share more of my experinces with others. Even if the book never becomes published, I have met wonderful people, shared experiences and become a better person along this journey.

I look forward to sharing with you my networking experiences and I hope you share your's with me!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

WOW Networking!

For those of you who don't know me I am known around these parts as the "Networking Queen". It is a title I hold with honor, whimsy and fun.

For those who do not know me, you may not know I have spent enough time studying networking over the last 8 years to have completed a college degree in networking and recognized as an expert. I have accumulated enough knowledge to write a book (in development), develop networking groups, present seminars, webinars and teleconferences.

In this blog I will share with you information I am learning that may be of assistance to you in your networking travels. Networking is a skill you can learn just like skillfully dating. It requires study, practice, trial and error, practice, finding your voice, practice and some serious follow-up oh, did I say practice?

Please feel free to share with me your networking stories, experiences, calamities and successes!

Happy Networking!
Your networking partner,
